WTF is a "write off/up recovery" charge on a cable bill?

Non-scoot BS'ing here

WTF is a "write off/up recovery" charge on a cable bill?

Postby sc00t d09913 d09 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:59 am

This is supposedly a "one time charge" that has appeared on my bill two month in a row. I'm paying $75 to $100 a month for basic cable that is supposed to cost $11 a month - mostly useless infomercials. The online support person I talked to didn't know what it was either. I'm going up there today to cancel the basic cable. I'm gonna reduce my Internet bandwidth to 256kbps too, just to make clear they're losing money by gouging me. If I see any more bogus charges on my bill after this, I'm gonna cancel Cox altogether. Greedy bastards. :evil:
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sc00t d09913 d09
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